2016 is going to be a tough year for me. The plan is to purchase NO new clothes, shoes, purses, coats, undergarments, etc. that contributes to the fast fashion industry. It is even going to expand to second hand clothes that I feel feeds the desire for more clothes purchased new by those who sell their used clothes. I will not contribute to this vicious cycle in 2016.
If I need anything new I'll have to find it made in the USA or somehow be assured that those making the items are treated fairly and are being paid a good wage. I suspect as this experiment continues in 2016 that I will either have to find someone local to make these items for me or just go without. We'll see. That's part of the journey.
The rules of engagement...
First, if I loose 10% or gain for that matter 10% of my body weight I'll have to forgo this experiment. For obvious reasons I probably can't afford to outfit myself with clothes, etc. that fit this rigid of requirements.
Second, all attempts will be made to insure that the material is also made in the USA or also fits the same qualifications of fair wage, etc.
Why am I doing this? First, I'm upset about how those who manufacturer clothing are treated. Several years ago I watched a documentary on PBS about a factory in China that made jeans. Their employees worked too many hours with little pay and they lived on top of each other in small rooms. For a while I committed myself to trying to purchase only second hand clothes, etc..
But, now with the expanding Fast Fashion industry I recognize that there is a much bigger problem. It's not only that those who do not receive a living wage but sometimes even die working.
Workers shouldn't die for us to have the latest fashions for the cheapest price!
I also believe greed is NOT good and that manufacturers need to step it up and not only treat all employees no matter what country they are in a living wage but treat them with respect and dignity. I can NO LONGER contribute to a system that does not support this.
Another aspect I want to explore this year is how to assist those who might loose their jobs in these factories. I don't think I'll contribute that much to the loss of income on my own. But, I want to see if there are ways to contribute financially to helping others in these countries improve their situation. Also, I'd like to explore any clothing manufacturing happening in the USA. I've heard that there are some rare companies doing this. But, I'm not sure if it's like finding a unicorn!
I hope you will join me on my journey in 2016. I'm excited to research, shop and explore in a more ethical and humane way to live.
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