Saturday, September 24, 2016

It took...

9 Months before I cracked!

But, how many of you out there could go nine months buying only Made in USA or Fair Trade products?  There is only a limited world of these items.  Very limited. And expensive!  Moving forward what has to be decided is how to proceed in the future.  What lessons have I learned?  Where is the balance?  Does it really matter?  I've had a hard time weighing the negatives and positives of third world countries making our clothes.  Negatives are poor working conditions, unsafe factories and environmental damage.  But there are positives.  We are contributing to growing economies and people are making money.   Some perspective has to be maintained.  The conditions they are working in are not that different from workers in the USA during the beginning of the industrial revolution.  It was messy, dangerous and unregulated.  There were great muckrakers such as Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair who brought attention to what was wrong.  I'm sure that there are modern day muckrakers out there in leading the way to the truth, creating an awareness and demanding changes. 

There really are two sides to every coin. 

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