Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Shopping in Louisville, KY

Up to this point I've been purchasing items online.  It's time to reach out to the local business community and see what is out there.  A couple of weeks ago I went into the Willow Tree on Hurstbourne Lane.  Although a little pricy I would say about half of their clothing items are made in the USA, Canada or France.  I would recommend them but use caution as there are quite a few things made in China.  I did speak to the owner, a really nice lady. She said she really does try to buy things made in USA if it's possible.  So, I'm encouraged by this.  However, just like any other made in the USA or any other country that pays their employees a decent wage the prices end up being on the high end.  It's just unavoidable  folks.  Here's their website if you are interested

I also visited Just Creations on Frankfort Avenue.  They have a lot of clothing (fair trade).  However, for me I found the clothing a bit odd sized.  The clothing was either way too big or too small.  One bonus though they have Maggie's Organic socks and tank tops.  It was nice to see this brand in a store after having bought things from them in the past online.  I really recommend Maggie's Organics.  So far everything I have purchased from them has been high quality.  The material for one thing is thick.  No thin material on their products.  Even the socks are generous.

After my rant a couple of weeks ago I ended up buying a pair of tennis shoes that were not made in the USA.  I can't justify buying tennis shoes that cost $160.00 just to prove a point.  I also went consignment shopping over the weekend.  Yes, I did buy a couple of things.  No, they weren't made in the USA or Fair Trade.  You could say I'm cheating.  But, if you read the rules in the first post I am allowed if I lost 10% of my body weight.  Which I have.  Even more than 10%.  So, it's not cheating.  I'm getting close to the end of the year.  If I can buy what I need made in USA or Fair Trade I will.  But, I am no longer limiting myself.  However, I will only purchase second hand which isn't quite as bad.  Further, I will stay away from Target clothes. 

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