Monday, September 5, 2016

Extremely Frustrated....Rant...

When I first started this challenge there was an out.  If I lost more than 10% of my body weight I could abandon this project.  Well at this point I've lost close to 20% so I have every right to go shopping and buy what I want.  But, I haven't yet.  I'm going to try to hold on a little longer.  At this point there are only four more months in the year.  It's possible once I pull out my fall/winter clothes that I might have a change of heart.  I'm allowed. I've earned it.  But, let me share how I'm feeling right now.

EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED!!!  I want to shop at Clothes Mentor so much.  I want to buy piles of clothes and a new designer purse.  I want to run into Target and buy some cheap clothes.  I want to go to Carnival Shoes and buy some new shoes.  My tennis shoes that I bought last December are starting to give.  I can feel it in the heel.  They aren't providing the same support.  Tennis shoes that are made in the USA?  That's IMPOSSIBLE!  New Balance has some pairs that they source as much as possible from the USA and it's made here but the shoes start at $160.00.  I'm not going to spend $160.00 on a pair of shoes.  No matter how good it makes me feel.  For one thing, there is no guarantee the quality is going to be better.  As I have found out this year buying made in the USA or Fair Trade, etc. doesn't guarantee ANYTHING.   I'm not even sure I can truly say I feel better about these purchases anymore.  When I spend so much more money for ill-fitted clothing that look old too soon anyway.  I could at least buy second hand clothes that have been washed several times giving a much fair representation of whether is well made or not. 

This is killing my pocket book!  If I can't buy responsibility when I'm trying how can the rest of the us?  During this election cycle a lot has been said about bringing jobs, such as the garment industry back to the USA.  But, HOW????  Really, HOW????  As I've stated before we aren't going to pay the cost difference.  The genie is out of the bottle.  No one is going back to the way things used to be.  They just aren't.   GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

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